
To meet the highest requirements of our patients join the continuous scientific updating materials and equipments of international excellence.
The philosophy that guides us is rooted in a path of lasting trust based on shared choices and personalized care.

Bone Regeneration

Cosa significa?

Ci sono condizioni anatomiche della mandibola e delle ossa mascellari che non consentono l’inserimento di un impianto con un diametro e una lunghezza sufficienti per garantire la stabilità della protesi sul lungo periodo.

Cosmetic mucogingival surgery

Treatment of gingival recession: cosmetic mucogingival surgery

Following a trauma, or the use of overly aggressive brushing techniques, apical contraction of the gingiva with consequent exposure of the root may be verified.


La parodontologia si occupa della prevenzione e della cura di tutte le patologie a carico dell’apparato di sostegno del denteil parodonto.

Il parodonto rappresenta l’insieme di strutture anatomiche costituite da: gengiva, osso alveolare (la parte dell’osso all’interno del quale è contenuto il dente), cemento radicolare e legamento parodontale (il tessuto connettivale che connette il dente all’osso alveolare).


Dental implantology is the branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth using ‘artificial roots’ of titanium alloy that osseointegrate with the bone of the patient.

Modern implantology was born in the 1970s thanks to studies carried out by Professor Branemark in Sweden.


Growth factor


Growth factor for the regeneration of the periodontium: amelogenins.

 The loss of the structure that supports a tooth signifies the clinical onset of periodontitis.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Perfect aesthetic integration of dental restoration is achieved through a combination of factors:

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